Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Nice Scope For Money Was This A Good Gun Trade?

Was this a good gun trade? - nice scope for money

My friend had a Remington 700 SPS (in a nice neighborhood, I said it was something like $ 1200 for the rifle and scope together) has recently amended a model Ruger M77 International (I 'm sure it's new) in 243 to win. This trade was fair? I thought I had lost money in the transaction. What do you think?


JD said...

The Ruger International is a value between $ 1250 - 1300 $, if the value of an article coming very close. The Remington at the end, but without knowing what brand and model on the Scope Remington 700 SPS was very difficult to make a call.

The reality is that the trade was his friend and it was clear that he wanted the Ruger .... I am sure he is happy, because I have to trade, for starters. He lost his "shirt" if what you have ...... are concerned

sirbobby... said...

Are you satisfied with your work?
If so, it was a good deal.

gladesno... said...

Regardless of the difference in money, while he welcomed the new weapon, that everything that is really important

HunterFi... said...

Why H. .. Trade one for a Remington 700 Rifle Ruger difinitely bottom of each kind? Your friend has made! Has your partner has more than 700 trade please let me know I, I have a couple of very good Italian collection Carano trade with him.

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