Saturday, December 12, 2009

Pictures Inside Viganas Does Anyone Know Of A Camera That Takes Good Pictures Inside And Outside?

Does anyone know of a camera that takes good pictures inside and outside? - pictures inside viganas

I'm trying to find a camera that good photos of interior and exterior long-distance increases. They also want the device has a battery, and not less than 6 megapixels and 5x optical zoom ... Someone knows if there is a camera that fits this description?


foxylady said...

Check out the Kodak EasyShare Z710 has a great pixs.

lenslend... said...

Good pictures inside means that you want a camera with high ISO settings. (High sensitivity to light.) Watch for their purchases. Also look under the number df "from the target. It is not often easy to find a specification - often look into the camera. A small F-number is better.

Rechargeable batteries tend to add something myself. The batteries that come in the area, will probably not last long. Are you planning to buy some good batteries to buy the camera.

Do not put too much value for the number of megapixels the camera. It is not as important as all the marketing hype that makes think of you. Certainly not automatically better pictures. Personally, I would like to trade megapixels for ISO certification or objectively better.


foxylady said...

Check out the Kodak EasyShare Z710 has a great pixs.

Louis L said...


Lastword... said...

I use 3 Digital Cameras. Each has its strengths and in different situations to work. I do not think that there is a camera for better pictures of popular domestic price of Fuji F30. There is a wealth of information about digital cameras on

Good luck!

Lastword... said...

I use 3 Digital Cameras. Each has its strengths and in different situations to work. I do not think that there is a camera for better pictures of popular domestic price of Fuji F30. There is a wealth of information about digital cameras on

Good luck!

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